Sunday 8 April 2012

Golden days!!... your PAST ! :D

The past never comes back. No mater if its damn good or horribly worst! even if you want  them to come back  they just cannot! people have mixed reactions whenever you ask them about their past because everyone has something good and something bad in their past! but many people often talk about the "good stuff" which usually includes words like HAPPIEST MOMENT(this goes for more than 10 memories) . BEST MOMENT(again for more than 10 memories) GORGEOUS ONE! etc etc... The life of today is really very fast. Everything is done hand to hand , within an instant! people are so busy nowadays! they hardly have time for someone or something else! Last night ,lying on my bed.. i was thinking about my past life! i have so many gorgeous moments,sad moments ,happy ones , moment that make me cry , moments that make me laugh!
then i wondered "why am i crying remembering those moments in which i have laughed the most! and why am i laughing remembering those moments in which i have cried?? "  That's weird right! but this is how it actually is! 

aaaaaah!! MY golden days.. my gorgeous moments which are worth my tears or smiles! But keeping these thoughts just in with me!! naah!!  i can never do that!  i had to share it with someone!  someone who was always there in these moments.. i wanted to talk to my best friends! so i did!! shared it with them! we all have enjoyed every moment to the fullest TOGETHER! someone's stated this very true fact that "real fun and happiness lies in togetherness , not being alone"  It really feels good to share the good as well as not so good moments with your best people! we begin it with "you remember that?"  and end it with "this was the best one" then jump on to "no!! not this one.. you remember that.... " aaahh!!

you might ,at times, feel like i have the worse life or i have the most tragic life ever (being a teenager i feel so at times) but when you peep into your past you come to know that you have numerous HAPPY MOMENTS as compared to your tragic or saddy moments!! 

sometimes just peeking into your past is good! just remember you are only paying a visit, you are not going to stay right their in your past and never move on!

Thursday 5 April 2012

i'm finally out of the exam fever!! The feeling was really good,but it lasted only for a week or more. I have nothing to do. I have just become a lazy bum! i wake up late! do nothing the whole day! Internet is my only savior!I'm tired of being at home yet i'm lazy to move out and do something useful.

Anyways! I have noticed that doing nothing and having an empty mind invites many weird and useless thoughts!
I myself have experienced it! Just sitting somewhere doing nothing I had really weird thoughts in my mind! i had mixed feelings! i was feeling sad,left like something's missing,something's left out there behind, i felt like i have made a millions of mistakes on the other hand i was happy, smiling for absolutely no reasons! After doing all this i felt i need to consult someone! I felt like i was very alone! no one could help me here! who the hell should i be talking about this! I later realized that these kinda things.. everyone faces!
smiling without reasons
being angry without reasons
being sad without reasons
I then finally concluded that i am NOT mad! this is common human nature!

but how do i tackle this????
now finally i'm feeling better!! my mind is now finally occupied with thoughts! and thoughts!
if you are one of my category do it this way!
take it all out.. share it with someone!
keep yourself occupied!
i do it by writing! you can even portray it! that will definitely make you feel good!

SHARE IT! SPREAD IT! be happy !!
i wrote this just make myself happy!! because those thoughts and feelings were un-explicable!!
all my anxieties, my concerns all are out now!
i shared this with you without any fears!
i don't care if people think that I'm a fool! but its a fact! something like this happens with every one!
it happened with me and i shared it with you!

P.S - simply me! totally me!
accept me if you like me this way! or
 i don't care!