Monday 12 March 2012

introduction to The Juvenile Junket

This is my very first blog. So i wold love to give an introduction for MY BLOG!

Juvenile Junket! that's what i call it. It is meant for those people who love their life the way it is, and try to find reasons to smile, and make people smile.I love my life the way it is, I'll be loving it even if it changes because in the end , i know , whatever is happening in my life , i,alone, am the reason for it AND it all happens to have "happy endings".

so whenever you do anything! don't think about what's gonna happen further! just enjoy it! this moment wont ever come back again ,you cannot change what has happened in the past , nor you can change whatever that's gonna happen in the future, so why to worry???
It's your life and you are going to live it your way , completely! nobody hell will even dare to hurt you if start living your life your way , trying to make everyone laugh! and laugh out yourself as loud as you can for silly reasons.Fill your life with all the colors possible , all the colors YOU love, life already is very colorful you just need to make your pick and paint the canvas of our life your way.
I know this sounds a bit selfish but trust me in the end it's going to be all about YOU!

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