Wednesday 6 February 2013

Aimless is so shameless..

Hah! Being a teenager, probably a good feeling but it's a tough job.. You have always some mess around you, you have to be strong, be gentle,be brave. In this crucial age of life you try to do lots of multi-tasking, you try to look perfect, impress someone you admire, at times some of us are just too ambitious, some don't know the meaning of "aim in life"..everyone wants to be a priority, a need, someone to be wanted and not an option! I've heard the experienced people(elders) say ,"teenage! Is the most crucial part of the life span of humans.. You just need to cross this time well.. Cause this decides your future.. Once you pass it safely the world is yours.. And if you fail you gonna under all of the rulers of world". In the beginning I never understood the real meaning of these words... But now, I guess wisdom blessed me.. I now know the value of.. me!  I guess I've been guided quiet well that's the reason why I am writing this... I don't wanna waste the rest of my life trying to look pretty to impress others.. I've swallowed the fact that if people really like me.. I never need to impress them... If I do.. I am a sham face then.. This surely doesn't mean that I'm not enjoying my high school life.. I'm enjoying the hell outta it...! It's just I know my limits and my aims.. And I know who/what should be my priority..
And you know what!! Being ambitious also keeps you away from the unwanted high school sh*t.. When you are ambitious and you have an aim .. You just automatically don't give a damn to that which you actually shouldn't..provided you actually are ambitious and have eyes fulled with dreams... Having an aim also does enhance your personality... As I said you don't give a damn to unwanted stuff.. It means you get an attitude.. Hahaha that's the best part!  But yeaaa.. It's important for you to know that you should always have a positive attitude.. Negative sucks high time guys! And you surely need to know where exactly are you supposed to use that attitude.. And yeah! Respect your parents.. They've done a lot for you already.. Ignore if they've ever hurt your sentiments and recall all the sentiments and happiness they gave you!! It's also said if you answer back or disrespect your parents, your kids would do the same or multiply that effect and paste it in your life too, when you become a parent!
Trust me!
Just keep thinking what you want.. Turn your can'ts into cans.. Your dreams into on what you dream to achieve.. Every morning... Feel that happiness which you'd ever feel if you achieve your aim.. Imagine yourself doing what you dream for.. Let the universe know it.. Cause it's gonna give you back what you want...! Strive hard... And say "i can"  instead of "can i"..
Have faith in you..! You know you are perfect...!